Thursday, January 24, 2013

THE 52

This blog is about our fictitious trip around the world in 52 weeks.  We hope some year we're able to do it for real.  Until then this list will let you know which weeks cover which countries.  Enjoy!
  1. Australia & Christmas Island
  2. New Zealand
  3. Madagascar
  4. South Africa
  5. Kenya
  6. Ghana
  7. Brazil
  8. Argentina
  9. Antarctica
  10. Chile & Easter Island
  11. Peru
  12. Barbados
  13. The Bahamas
  14. Cuba
  15. Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico)
  16. Puerto Vallarta (Mexico)
  17. Louisiana (USA)
  18. Florida (USA)
  19. New York (USA)
  20. Massachusetts (USA)
  21. Ohio (USA)
  22. California (USA)
  23. British Columbia (Canada)
  24. Alaska (USA)
  25. Northwest Territories (Canada)
  26. Ontario (Canada)
  27. Quebec (Canada)
  28. Prince Edward Island (Canada)
  29. United Kingdom
  30. Spain
  31. France
  32. The Netherlands
  33. Sweden
  34. Germany
  35. Czech Republic
  36. Romania
  37. Italy
  38. Greece
  39. Egypt
  40. Israel
  41. Turkey
  42. Russia
  43. North China
  44. South Korea
  45. Japan
  46. South China
  47. India
  48. Thailand
  49. Cambodia
  50. Malaysia & Singapore
  51. The Philippines
  52. Hawaii (USA)