Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 22

CALIFORNIA baby! We love visiting California and have driven it's entire coast once before. We want to do it again while making stops in these fun cities:

San Diego.

Los Angeles.

Santa Barbara.

and San Francisco.

We could spend a week in each city, but we'd make the most of our week in the golden state. Long live the sun!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week 21

OHIO! (It's round on both ends and says "hi" in the middle, plus my parents were both raised there).

We'd visit Cleveland and see the house that was used for the movie "A Christmas Story."

We'd head along the coast of Lake Erie and count how many lighthouses we saw.

We'd relax in Holmes County and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

We'd visit the largest Amish community in the world and buy some of their beautiful and tasty products from their craftsmanship.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week 20


First, we'd visit Boston and sail around the harbor.

Next, we'd go shopping at Faneuil Hall.

We'd head out to Sudbury to visit the schoolhouse where "Mary had a little lamb."

We'd also visit Longfellow's Wayside Inn...

...and see its Grist Mill...

...and Chapel.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 19


Lady Liberty is beautiful and we'd get to know her up close and personal.

Central Park is huge, but we'd explore on foot, bike, horse, and boat.

We'd visit Times Square and see a musical on Broadway.

We'd head over to Brooklyn to visit Coney Island and ride the Cyclone and eat hot dogs.